Monday, May 2, 2016

Hope Crisis Pregnancy Center

            In October, my schedule had freed up enough that I was ready for something new. The prayer you pray and then wonder what actually will happen…

Tristan & I were driving on Broad Street. I saw the Hope Center. I knew Jesus wanted me there. But it was the very last thing I expected! I waited several days…hoping that He would change His mind.

Four days later, I stepped into the Hope Center. I walked out with an application and a large packet of paper work.

Within two weeks, I was sitting in training sessions. Then medical classes at Temple.

It has been quite the experience. Why did I pray about my schedule in the beginning? But I was gifted knowledge, compassion, and a desire to pray…it has been more than worth it!

The Hope Center is a Baptist supported pro-life program. Low income clients from North Philadelphia are offered free services. There are moms support groups, ultrasounds, dad classes, STD testing, relationship counseling, etc.

It is so exciting to see God at work!

Random churches will volunteer to do a baby shower. The church comes to our location and provides the food, decorations, and gifts for the moms-to-be. This is something we offer to moms that do not have support. We have been blessed with churches offering to do this. We average one baby shower for several moms every other month.

The Hope Center does a very good job at referrals! Some women that come to us are in need of more than we can give. This is especially true if she is in an abusive relationship. Housing, food, general medical care, etc. The Hope Center refers them to the program that will best fit their need.

The goal is to keep in contact with the young women once a month. Usually it is from the time they enter the door until at least after the baby is born.

This month is our annual Momma & Baby Photo Shoot! A generous photographer volunteers her time each year for this event. We have Hope babies that are two or three years old. We have lots of one year olds. And of course new moms and their infants scheduled for the photo shoot!

This is such a gift that Jesus has given me. It has changed the way I view women in crisis. It has made me share the way God designed life with the kids at 6th Street. It has given me a burden to pray on behalf of unborn babies and their mothers on the streets of Philadelphia.

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