Saturday, February 7, 2015

Between Lattes & The Doorbell

 January was a month of learning and adjustments. We had a few flurries! The doorbell is something to get used to. Like the phone ringing in an office...some days it feels never ending.
I have a favorite Chai Latte Recipe. So between filling up my cup and answering the door, the month of January has disappeared.
Our house settlement is complete!
Exploring Center City
This month included visitors from the "country" as city people say.
  Most of our evenings are filled with kids or teens!
Notice the dreadlocks on her snowman!

Game Room Time!
SMBI had Mission Involvement Weekend and sent a group of people to Philadelphia. With extra help, we were able to have 6-Youth Night. There were 25 youth that came. It was an incredible evening. The SMBI group did a skit and the kids loved it! We split into groups and played games.

There were hard moments in this month as well.
We had a memorial service here at church for Miss Snow.
The Youth Guys class on Tuesday nights is really struggling.
Tristan & I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary! 
Ice Skating in Center City

 Tristan & I were searching for something do to together as a couple each week that took us outside the mission complex. So each Tuesday for a few hours we have the opportunity to serve at Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission.
As long as the lattes are made and the doorbell keeps ringing, I doubt there will be many dull moments in the weeks ahead.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

And so it will be...

 Proverbs 4:26 - Ponder the path of your feet and let all your ways be established.

Originally when we moved to Philadelphia, I wasn't going to email updates or blog. I wasn't sure about another commitment and I didn't know if it was necessary. But after several conversations, I felt differently. So after much delay, here it is!

We moved on December 20th, just 5 days before Christmas! What were we thinking? But the boxes were unpacked and our stuff found its place. The holidays gave us a relaxing adjustment time.
And then reality...Tristan & I both work our previous jobs one day a week. We live in a noisy city. I now cook lunch and supper for four adults. We can walk to the library, Mexican restaurant on 5th Street, or the post office. Mornings are now my solitude time. There are kids over every night of the week. I need to find a new grocery store. And there is a constant flow of people in and out of our apartment.

I think it's safe to say that we have adjusted. And we love it!

One of our favorite verses led us to the name of our blog. We have dubbed this verse "our calling to live intentionally". We want to be intentional with the questions we ask, the relationships we pursue, and the prayers offered for the people we meet. Now a commitment to blog and another reason to take more pictures!

Hopefully this will give you a small peak into our lives!