Sunday, June 7, 2015

Grace for the Journey

In the past month, there has been so many tears and so many good laughs!
Life right now has me checking the mirror for gray hair.
Some of the best and incredibly special moments are the following pictures.
And then there are some days where it feels as if we are on an emotional level E.
Shortly after Dennyza moved in, I remember a case worker telling us that it is
going to get much harder before it gets easier.
He was right.
But it is in those intense, emotional moments that we claim the verse:
"My grace is sufficient for you,
for my power is made perfect in weakness..."
A few times in the past month, we had other kids over for an afternoon or evening.
Wednesday night girls Bible study is over.
The last night’s project was making blankets for a local adoption agency.

My Tuesday night class has been working hard all year.
They memorized the Books of the Bible.
And as promised, we went to Wendy’s and everybody got a Frosty.

The Blue Ball, Calvary, and Open Door youth group spent the day at Sixth Street.
They painted, cleaned, power washed, etc.
It was SO nice to have some of those huge projects off the list!

Tristan is spending more time fixing bikes.
Roselle moved back to Lancaster this past week. We are going to miss her!

1,000 piece puzzle that Roselle & Dennyza completed
But for the most part, our lives right now revolve around Dennyza.
She really means the world to us!

Friday nights, Dennyza needs to create the supper menu and then together we do our best. She wanted to do a seafood night. She knew about this crab shack in south Philly.
So I drove and once again she was the GPS.
And once we arrived, I was ever so glad that she was with me!

There is been a lot of half days as this is the last month and half of school. I’m so grateful for the relationship that she has with people from church!
When she spends an afternoon or evening at someone else’s house, she comes home with stories, laugher, or new games to play!

Dennyza spent the afternoon with Lynelle planting window boxes!

Dennyza is incredibly intelligent…with a desire to answer all the questions
that flash through her mind.

We were driving home from a therapy appointment the other day…

“You will eat approximately 35,000 chocolate cookies in your lifetime. Unless you are a Mennonite, then that number probably doubles, don’t you think?”

A snail can sleep up to three years.

Do you think that blind people dream in color? Japan has square watermelons.

It is against the law in Switzerland to slam a car door.

What language do deaf people think in?

It has been such an honor to meet some of her friends, teachers, etc. that make up her support team. Can I go shopping with…and her mom? Can we plan to do something with…?

Heidi & Dennyza on Memorial Day
Or her favorite question right now…Can we visit your mom? I want to see the puppies again!

By the next time I write, she will living with Galen & Marlene in Souderton. They come to Sixth Street Church so she will be able to stay connected to family and friends. This weekend we are camping with them, next week shopping for curtains and paint. We are intentionally spending time with Galen & Marlene hoping to make the transition into their home as smooth as possible for her.

Most of the time, we have no idea what we are doing.

We do not know how to parent a 16 year old.

But we walk with Jesus…and that makes all the difference.

I guess that is actually how most of life is.

And as God leads, He gives grace for the journey.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Jesus in the Courtroom

It was a date that loomed ahead of us. Dennyza is a witness, needing to testify.
As the tidal wave of emotions die down, my mind has yesterday on replay.
In every moment, we saw God's hand.
Dennyza chose the color hot pink for her team!
It was fun, visible symbol of people who love and care about her. Our lawyers,
child advocate, and some friends dressed in pink...
"Dennyza Awareness" she called it.
It felt as if time stopped. Each moment defined by small details. Moments that make up minutes and minutes that then become hours. Finally our case was called.
Tears of fear and knowing what was ahead ... But she was so brave!
And then there was this moment, the fear dissipated.
The truth was spoken.
The moment a police officer in the room excused himself to get tissues.
He was listening to her story and he felt her pain.
The moment when a man was pronounced guilty.
The moment she stopped shaking when she realized the hardest part of her day was over.
The moment before we left court to finally go home...
One of the child advocates, pulled our team into a circle and we bowed our heads to pray.
  Jesus walked each step before us.
Thank you so much for your prayers! We were specifically praying for three things:
1. Feel safe in the court room
2. Courage to tell the truth
3. Deal with emotions correctly after it's over
God answered above and beyond what we could have hoped for.
Now the trauma of yesterday is simply something that we will be discussing.
Today brings school and a dentist appointment and tomorrow an all day school trip to Six Flags...
With a weekend that we are looking forward to very much!
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you. I have summoned you by name; you are mine. 
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
 For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior... Isaiah 43:1-2