Sunday, March 22, 2015

Serving Another Way...

Tristan & I have the privilege of serving at Sunday Breakfast each Tuesday!
We help serve the noon meal.
The cooks in this kitchen know what their doing...And they do it well!
Rice, Chili, and donated bagels from Panera Bread
Upon arrival we don kitchen attire. Sometime we hand out trays... other days we actually fill the plate. Our job depends on how many other people are helping in the kitchen that day.  
One group of many .... College students from Indiana
Some of the Overcomers work in the kitchen and we enjoy interacting with them each week!
They provide and share many laughs. Before we serve the meals, one of the kitchen staff prays, dedicating the food and our work to God!
Chicken Nuggets, String Cheese, Cesar Salad, and Bread
Lunch is generally a smaller crowd than supper with about 75 -150 people.
Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission serves as a shelter for homeless men.  
Homeless belongings check in ... One bag per person
We only see a very small part of what this mission is.
"In addition to meeting basic life needs for men, the Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission enables those men who are committed to a positive life change to address their problems through an intensive 16-month program. Ultimately, the goal of this program is for these men to return to the community as self-sufficient individuals, contributing to Philadelphia’s economy and quality of life."
 They are starting a garden this spring! It is part of classes for some of the Overcomers and volunteers from the community can be involved. If I have the opportunity to help I will post pictures! The following Facebook link is contains more information:
So to Sunday Breakfast...
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to meet new people and serve people in another way!
We enjoy every minute of it!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Life on the 2nd Floor

We live on the 2nd floor of our building. It is on the corner of 6th & Master Street.
Across the street is James R. Ludlow Public School. There are about 300 children that attend this school. There is a never ending flow of kids to and from that building.
Several Saturday were spent at the Franklin Institute! It is an incredible hands on science museum for kids. So we fill the van and spent the day!
Roselle, Jaleisa, Samaj, Kelly, Basim, Tristan

One of the cool things about a membership here: the sky bike is free!

Soft Pretzel Party!

shaping soft pretzels and singing church songs at the same time

Back: Dorcas, Antoinette, Israel, Sky, Kelly
Front: Mary, Alterique, Stephanie, Moesha 
Valentines Weekend Stephen & Sonya, Jackie and Judah,
and Tristan & I went to Camden, New Jersey to an aquarium.
Penguins, hippos, sharks, and tons of fish!

Did you know Philadelphia has the fastest growing Muslim population in America?

It finally snowed!!
Which sounds like good thing...and it was until several days later.
Parallel parking is bad enough but snow simply shrinks the spaces.
It was fun while it lasted!

Another Soft Pretzel Party - Aaliyah, Anisa, & Destiny

Tristan was happy to find out that these two kids love Monopoly! 
Akeer & Kareem
My family visited and since it was unusually warm we walked Ben Franklin Bridge.

There were huge ice chucks and they floated upriver. It was a splendid day!
This past weekend was Unban Youth Workers Retreat at Camp Andrews. It was catch up time with some old friends, workshops, and meeting new people! Our verse for the weekend:
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that
brings salvation to everyone who believes..." ~ Romans 1:16